On 7th November 2016 MOHAN Foundation conducted a talk on Organ Donation and Transplantation. This was done at the request of Mr. Jyoti Kumar Satisja, Senior Divisional Security Commissioner of Central Railway Ajani.
Ms. Kanchan Shewde, Transplant Coordinator of MOHAN Foundation, Nagpur Center represented MOHAN Foundation. She gave a talk through audio & visual means. She gave information about need for organs, the legal and ethical aspects of organ donation and the process of pledging organs. She explained the difference between cardiac death and brain death, which organ can be donated after cardiac death and brain death. The importance of Donor card how it helps people to donate organs and create awareness, the value of wearing a helmet. She requested the audience to use MOHAN Foundation website and helpline number to gain more understanding on the subject.
The session ended with an appeal on how they can be part of this noble cause by pledging the organ and how they can help others in joining the cause. 40 central railway security staff attended the session and 30 of them picked a donor card.
Question asked by participants:
1) Why organs cannot be sold?
2) If I donate organ then can my family know who will be recipient of my organ?
3) Why is organ recipient list not shown to donor family?
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad