On 21st June 2018, Ms. Sujatha Suriyamoorthi, Manager – Information systems, MOHAN Foundation was invited as a Guest Lecturer by The Banyan Academy of Leadership in Mental Health (BALM) for a session on “Organ donation and Counselling the Grieving Families”. This was the 4th consecutive year that she had been invited to address the students of BALM on various aspects of organ donation, transplantation and approaching the families. Around 50 students from the departments of Applied Psychology and Social Work in Mental Heathcare attended the session.
Ms. Janani, Asst Professor, Dept of Applied Psychology, BALM introduced Ms. Sujatha to the students. The session was divided into 3 parts – Concepts of organ donation and transplantation, Counselling the grieving families and approaching them for organ donation and case study discussion.
A total of 15 students pledged to be an organ donor and picked up their donor cards.