MOHAN Foundation Nagpur centre was invited by Dr. Hema Dhoble, Medical Administrator& Medical Superintendent of Suretech Hospital, Nagpur, to talk to patients and their relatives the about Deceased Organ Donation at Medical Compound on 23th May 2014.
Mr. Bulu Behera and Miss. Kanchan Shewde transplant coordinators of the MOHAN Foundation conducted the event. They set up an information stall with the help of brochures, donor cards standees and banners. Mr. Bulu Behera gave information on Organ Donation. He gave information about which organs and tissues can be donated after brain death, natural death and while living. He also explained about the concept of brain death. He explained that after brain death it is impossible to come back to life & if the brain death patient’s family wants to donate organs then they can help several people.
Mr. Bulu Behera gave information about MOHAN Foundation activities as well as helpline number. Thereafter he requested all to use MOHAN Foundation website for information. There were 18 patients and relative present in the medical compound. Mr. Bulu and Ms. Kanchan spoke to them individually also.
Some questions asked by the participant:
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad