On 6th September 2014, MOHAN Foundation, Nagpur Centre was asked to conduct a Deceased Organ Donation awareness program at, Savitri Jyotirao Fule Samajkarya Mahavidyalaya, Yavatmal Maharashtra for their under graduate students of social work. The program was coordinated by Prof. Darne and 60 students attended the program.
Dr. Ravi Wankhede, Director of MOHAN Foundation Nagpur Centre gave the talk on Organ Donation. He gave the information on following topics with the help of powerpoint presentation:
Concept of Brain Death
Transplantation of Human Organs Act
Types of Organ Donation
Information about MOHAN Foundation activities, helpline number & toll free number
Transplant Coordinators Training Program
After the session the following question raised by the students:
1) Did family members opposed Dr. Ravi Wankhede’s kidney donation?
2) Can addicted person donate their organs?
3) Can organ functional status be less because of old age?
4) Why kidney is rejected after kidney transplant?
5) What is the age limits for organ donation?
All the queries were answered by Dr. Ravi Wankhede. The students were motivated and 25 of them signed the pledge form.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad