On 14th August, 2019 MOHAN Foundation organized an awareness programme for the school students of Hindu Union Committee Higher Secondary School run by the government in Choolai locality in Chennai. The programme was an initiative of the Lions Club and Mr. Bhaskar, the President of the club and Principal of the school Mr. Chellapandian.
The programme was organized during class hours for XI and XII grade students of four different sections. Around 200 students participated in the programme. Two sessions were conducted by Ms. Ishwarya of MOHAN Foundation for XI and XII grade students. She explained briefly about organ donation and transplantation in a way that the children could easily comprehend. One of the sessions was high on both fun and educative elements, with the students promptly answering the questions asked and willing to know more.There were questions about brain transplantation, pediatric donations, brain death and skin donation.
Another session for XI graders was handled by Ms. Susmitha, an intern at MOHAN Foundation, who used role play to explain certain concepts. Students actively participated and listened to her talk and also came up with questions.
A few students also expressed their willingness to register as organ donors when they turn 18 and discuss it with their families too. MOHAN Foundation is thankful to the Lions Club and the management of the Hindu Union Committee School for the opportunity.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad