Student organisers of Chemfluence 2016 understand concepts of organ donation

Updated on Wednesday, March 16, 2016
  • Chemfluence 2016 – is an annual symposium managed by the 4th year students of Chemical Technology of Alagappa Chettiar College of Technology. They have identified organ donation as a cause for the symposium which matches their tag line  “For a better tomorrow”.


    It was decided to have a session on organ donation prior to the symposium so that all the 55 student organisers understand the concept and can promote it well. On 15th March 2016, Dr. Hemal Kanvinde, spoke to the students about the Concepts of organ donation with the help of a presentation.  She explained the need for donation, types of donation and brain death. Two small clips were shown to highlight the value of donation and a about brain death. The discussion after the talk was on – organ allocation and costs of transplantation.

    After the discussion, the students planned how they wanted to run the campaign. MOHAN Foundation has made a special organ donation banner in their symposium page.  They planned to include information slides on organ donation in between sessions during the symposium. The registration desk and online counters were planned. 


    Source-Hemal Kanvinde
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