The Department of Disability and Empowerment of the Madras School of Social Work, Chennai organised a Street Theatre in the campus to create awareness in organ donation. The event occurred in the afternoon of 12th August 2022.
Dr Hemal Kanvinde, Quality Assurance Officer of MOHAN Foundation was invited as chief guest. Dr C Francis, Head of the Department welcomed and gave a brief review on organ donation. Dr Raja Samuel, Principal of the college also spoke and requested students to support the cause and promised to help more Foundation create awareness about organ donation.
The students had a 5 minute street play explaining organ donation and also about different myths about organ donation. The play was performed in the open courtyard and nearly 60 students watched this short play.
After the play Dr Hemal addressed the students, explained the concepts of organ donation and requested them to pin green ribbons on all faculty and non teaching staff. All the students took a pledge in Tamil to promote talking donation.
The session ended with a vote of thanks by a student.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad