On 21st April 2018 MOHAN Foundation, Nagpur was invited by Ms. Arpana Rangari, Project Coordinator of Prevention of Parent to Child Transmission of HIV, to give a talk on Deceased Organ Donation. 10 staff members of the project attended the session conducted at the Manav Vikas Bahua Yudeshiya Gramin Sewa Sansatha, Dattawadi, Nagpur,
Mr. Bulu Behera gave a presentation which highlighted which organs can be donated after Brain Death, Natural death & Living Donation. He made the staff understand that after brain death it is impossible to come back to life. Yet after Brain Death the family is in a position to give life to several people who are suffering from end stage organ failure. Consenting to donation can saves lives.
After the talk employees discussed the flowing questions.
1) How will MOHAN Foundation know about my death?
2) What is the difference between coma and brain death?
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad