St. Xavier’s College, Trivandrum supports Organ Donation

Updated on Tuesday, July 4, 2017
  • On 22nd June 2017, St. Xavier’s College, Thumba, Trivandrum, Kerala conducted an awareness programme on Organ Donation for their students. This programme was organised by Ms. Kripa, MSW student of Loyola College of Arts and Science, as a part of her research requirement.


    The awareness section began with a welcome address by Ms. Kripa, following that a pre-test was conducted, most of them were aware of Organ Donation and heard of Brain death but none had a donor card.  Ms. S. Kavitha, Transplant Coordinator was deputed from MOHAN Foundation to address the gathering.  She explained the importance of the event and the noble cause to the students who attended the session.


    The following topics were covered in her talk:

    • Activities of MOHAN Foundation
    • Need for organ and tissue donation
    • Types of Organ Donation - Live and Deceased Donation
    • Difference between Brain death and Coma
    • Donor card  & Importance of the consent from the family
    • KNOS Deceased donor programme by Govt. of Kerala
    • Information sources - Helpline Number and Websites


    Queries raised by the participants

    1. Ways to get donor card
    2. Contraindications for donating
    3. If I don’t Sign for Donor card, whether I can donate my organs
    4. Why green corridor is not important for other organs


    After the queries, a post-test was conducted, all the students were able to answer all the questions. Around 20 students and faculty attended the awareness session and supported organ donation by pledging their organs by signing the donor card.

    Source-Ms. S. Kavitha
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