St. Anotony’s Church Youth Association organizes an Organ Donation Awareness Stall on Republic Day

Updated on Tuesday, January 28, 2014
  • To commemorate Republic Day, St. Antony’s Church Youth Association invited Cadaver Transplant Programme to put an informative stall for the public of Nadhanam Mettur on 26th January 2014. This was an initiative of Mr. Reegan, member of St. Antony’s Church Youth Association.


    The stall was put up on the main road for the public view. Ms. Kavitha, Marketing Coordinator, MOHAN Foundation and Mr. Sasi Kumar, Transplant Coordinator, NNOS were deputed to man the stall.  There was one to one interaction. They explained Organ Donation, who to donate, when to donate, where to donate, who can donate and how to donate. Toll free Helpline stickers were stuck on the share autos and autos that dropped people who visited the stall. Information was given on Donor Card App. which the young visitors enthusiastically downloaded at that moment itself. Nearly 125 people visited the stall and all signed up Donor Card.


    Few interesting visitors visited the stall like:

    1. Mr and Mrs. Henry Christopher who were celebrating their 38th Wedding Anniversary, stepped in to sign donor card.
    2. An retired old teacher who walked to signed the donor card she mentioned that her “desire has come true today”.

    Few queries were raised like:

    1. Whom to be contacted in case of emergency?
    2. Which are the transplant hospitals in Chennai?
    3. How does this Organ Donation process work?

    Source-Kavitha S.
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