Sensitization for students of WCC – YiLead club
Members of the Young Innovators, leaders, entrepreneurs & actioners for development (YiLead) club in Women’s Christian College, Chennai invited MOHAN Foundation to deliver a talk on Organ Donation on 12/12/12. Students from various departments and member of various clubs such as YiLead, NSS and NCC attended the session. The students were given an information brochure the previous day. Ms.Veena, Transplant Coordinator made a presentation on Concepts of Organ Donation. She also screened a promotional video on organ donation.
At the end of the session the students raised the following questions which were answered:
1. Are the donor cards issued by MOHAN Foundation accepted in other countries?
2. Whom to contact for eye donation in case of death?
120 students attended the session and took a pledge and also picked additional donor cards for their family members and friends.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad