On 26th February, 2022, organ donation awareness talk was conducted by Mr. Jagdish Borude at Gadage Baba Vasahat, Koregaon Park ,Pune.
The session was organised with the help of Ms Tehsin, social worker from Don Bosco Youth Center, Koregaon Park, Pune. The main aim of this session is to create awareness on organ donation to the general public.
Mr. Jagdish introduced MOHAN foundation and it's activities. Thereafter, he discussed the below topics briefly.
Questions asked by the audience were as follows:
The concept of organ donation was new to the participants. It was an interactive session. They expressed their views and opinions and thanked Mr. Jagdish for conducting a meaningful session. 33 participants attended the session.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad