MOHAN Foundation was invited by SIP Academy India Private Limited to participate in the Academy’s 7th Founding Day Anniversary on 5th August 2010 at Chennai. Celebrations were also held at Jaipur, Bangalore, Western Maharashtra ( Sangli), Kerala, Chandigarh, Pune, Delhi, Kolkata, Hyderabad etc.
SIP has been partnering with MOHAN Foundation since 2009 to spread awareness about organ donation both in Chennai and Hyderabad. Last year 210 people pledged to donate their organs through this initiative.
This year on 5th August 2010, MOHAN Foundation was invited to make a presentation to the staff, business partners & families of SIP Academy. Dr. Sumana Navin gave an introduction to MOHAN Foundation and the work that it does. Ms. Veena, Transplant Coordinator, spoke about her experiences in the Government General Hospital and briefed the audience about organ donation. About 250 members across SIP Academy’s centres across India had signed up for the Donor Card at last count.
Mr. Dinesh Victor, Managing Director and M. S. Neelakantan (Corporate Communications) have been very supportive of this initiative.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad