On 12th January 2020, a rally in support of organ donation on the occasion Jijabai Jayanti was organized by Jijayi Mahila Mandal. Ms. Prarthana Dwivedi (Transplant Coordinator) of MOHAN Foundation in association with Transplants – Help The Poor Foundation helped them in arrangements and networking for the 6 KM rally starting from Ganeshpeth to Shivaji Chowk.
Mrs Soniya Sable (Jijayi Mahila Mandal President) initiated this Campaign for public awareness on the topic of Organ Donation. There were more than 200 participants belonging to mixed age group in the rally. About 50 women volunteer of Jijayi Mahila Mandal were also part of this rally. Mrs Soniya Sable took the Dias and program was inaugurated by Lamp Lighting after the rally at Shivaji Chowk where she gave vote of thanks to all the participants and volunteers. After completion of program everyone stood & took Oath to donate organs and to spread messages of Organ donation to future generations.
We are thankful to Jijaji Mahila Mandal for taking such an initiative promoting public awareness. We are thankful to Mrs Soniya Sable for inviting us and supporting the cause of organ donation.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad