On December 1, 2023, the MF NCR team, along with Mr. Sanchit Arora, MOHAN Foundation Ambassador, promoted the MOHAN Foundation’s helpline number and sensitised the local public of Navjeevan camp, Govindpuri, about organ donation and its importance.
Navjeevan Camp, Govindpuri, is located in the south-east part of Delhi city. It is one of the slum areas of Delhi.
The MF team, along with the MF ambassador, promoted the helpline number by pasting posters on the walls across lanes. The team even conducted a survey to understand the public's knowledge about organ donation, asking a few questions like:
• What do you know about organ donation?
• What organs can be donated?
• In eye donation, are eye sockets taken out fully or not?
The team was able to sensitise a group of students who were at their tuition centre. Their teacher shared his personal experience where he and his whole family pledged to donate their eyes after their deaths, which positively engaged students for this noble cause. The teacher even asked the team to conduct sessions for his students in the future.
Another group of people were sensitised and motivated while pasting the helpline posters in the community. Many people themselves asked about the poster and the helpline number.
The team got a positive response from the public.
Close to 60 participants were sensitised.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad