On September 6th, 2014, an awareness session on organ donation was conducted at Salokaya Health Science and Nursing College in Rohini, New Delhi by MOHAN Foundation.
The session was coordinated by Brig. Jacintha Audrey, principal of the college. The Salokaya Faculty of Health Sciences is at the forefront of health care education. The establishment promotes excellence in health & nursing leadership through their innovative teaching, quality research, compassionate care and community service for the community in Delhi and the world. The institution views prime importance in educating future healthcare providers, but more importantly serving as the "leadership pipeline" for faculty, clinical leaders and specialists.
The session was taken by Ms. Sonam Choedon. The session began with a quick poll that gauged the knowledge of the participants on organ donation, brain death, donor cards and MOHAN Foundation. The session progressed on to explain what organ donation and brain death was, who could be a donor and what organs and tissues could be donated in case of brain death and cardiac death respectively. She also touched upon the THO Act and in the end spoke about some myths and facts related to organ donation. A short clip on Brain death was shown to enhance the understanding of all those present.
The students related to the subject positively going by the response of the post presentation interaction with the MOHAN Foundation representatives and also the uncommon rush to collect the donor cards at the end of the session.
A total of 100 nursing students attended the session and 96 donor cards were picked up.