On 5th June 2021, TRIOMPH (Transplant Recipients of India and Organ failure patients – a Movement to Provide Hope), a Patient Support Group powered by MOHAN Foundation invited Mr. Kishor Suryavanshi, a kidney transplant recipient of 14 years.
He has participated in National Transplant games every consecutive year since 2012. He won gold thrice and furthermore, he represented India in World Transplant Games in 2019 at Newcastle, UK. He has also founded an NGO by the name of “Chhaya Kidney Foundation”. He shared his fitness journey in a live session of #Getfitwithtriomph
Dr. Aanchal Makhija, TRIOMPH’s counsellor began with introducing TRIOMPH and its commitment to transform lives of transplant recipients, those coping with organ failure and their caregivers through Education, Support, Awareness and Advocacy
Mr. Kishor shared about his love for cricket and other sports from a very young age. Even after his transplant, he did not let his passion for sports fade away. In fact, it has kept him going and helped him cope with post-transplant issues. While sharing this he highlighted that each one’s body is unique and conveys signals to us; we need to understand that language and work-out accordingly. He added that one must know how much push oneself and where to stop.
When asked about what preparation is required before participation in Transplant Games, both nationally and internationally, he shared the following-
He encouraged any and every transplant recipient or donor to reach out to Indian Federation and participate in National or World Transplant games.
Mr. Kishor also shared some tips on how to master your mind in these tough COVID times. He suggested that one could watch motivational videos or meditate, or take up things that would help keep the negative thoughts at bay and instead, find positivity in even small things.
When Mr. Kishor was asked about how he kept himself fit during lockdown, he beautifully shared about a mix and match technique, in which one can do new activity daily. For example- if you cycle on Monday, then switch to staircase climbing on Tuesday, followed by early morning walk on Wednesday, or do yoga the next day. The basic formula is to keep your body and mind active and flexible at all times.
In conclusion, he reiterated the importance of creating one’s own fitness goal, taking one step at each time, understanding the language of body and keeping our mind positive. Mr. Kishor awed the audience by singing a motivational Hindi song, while playing the guitar.
This session was aired live on Facebook as well as YouTube. In all, 1071 persons viewed the session (1018 on Facebook, with 40 shares and 53 viewed on YouTube).
We thank SBI Foundation for their support to this initiative. We convey our sincere gratitude to Mr.Kishor Suryavanshi for his motivating talk.