MOHAN Foundation, Nagpur Center, conducted deceased organ donation awareness program by putting up a Stall at Government Medical College, Nagpur OPD on 17 August 2015. This program was for people who visit the OPD of the College. Mr.Bulu Behera and Ms.Kanchan Shewde, organ transplant coordinator gave information about the subject. They stressed t on the importance of understanding Brain death and of organ donation. They explained the types of death and processes of eye donation. In the one to one interaction Bulu also informed about MOHAN foundation activities & asked them to visit the website and use the helpline number to clarify any doubts.
About 50 people visited the stall. 1 person signed consent form and took donor card.
The following questions were asked.
1. Where is MOHAN Foundation Office?
2. Any financial help to donor family?
3. What is your role in organ transplant?