On October 13th 2016 MOHAN Foundation was invited to conduct a talk on Role of Investigating Officer in Brain Death and Organ Donation. The training was attended by Head constables and PC of North and East zone of Chennai. The aim of the programme was to make them understand the concept of brain death, organ donation and their role in the case of multi organ donation.
The session was conducted in the campus of In-service Training Centre, Pudupet, by Ms. Sunitha A. T. and Mr. T. R. Abhinavkrishna, Transplant coordinators under the guidance of Dr. Hemal of MOHAN Foundation.
The session started with documentary film Tamilnadu Leads the Way that highlights on the deceased organ donation programme in Tamil Nadu Mr. Abhinavkrishna explained the Concept of Organ Donation and the legal formalities through a case discussion and highlighted the activities of MOHAN Foundation. A video explaining brain death and certification was played to give them a clear view about Brain Death.
Ms. Sunitha explained the protocol followed at government hospital for the MLC case coordination. During her talk she covered the following topics on Brain death identification and certification, Role of police in media legal case, green corridor, Transplantation of Human Organs Act 1994, Tamil Nadu Government orders and case studies and organ allocation.
After that question and answer session took place to overcome their doubts in organ donation process. Most of the queries were about their role, the duty of the hospital outpost constable, the genuineness of the case, malpractices in organ donation and whether there is a parallel underground system of deceased donation possible.
Totally 26 Police officials attended the talk and all were ready to help out when they get a call about inquest for organ donation case.
Finally Ms. Sunitha thanked the Police Officers for the support and cooperation. Mr. Abhinav issued Green ribbons, Brochures and Donor cards. All the trainees took a donor card.