On 10th March 2014 MOHAN Foundation organised an awareness program for the nurses of IMCU, ISCU and IMCU- Poison Control Centre at Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital (RGGGH), Chennai. Mr. Prakash K and Ms. Sunitha A.T , transplant Coordinators conducted the session on the concept of organ donation. The aim of the programme was to sensitise them about the importance of identifying and maintaining brain dead patients and also to educate them about the role of the Cadaver Transplant Programme (CTP), Tamil Nadu.
Mr. Prakash K, conducted the session. In his presentation he spoke about the following topics: about organ donation; who can be a donor; what is brain death; difference between brain death and coma; what are the organs and tissues that can be donated after brain death; the role of a nurse in identifying and maintaining brain dead patients, importance of signing a donor card and the protocol followed at RGGGH.
Finally he mentioned about the transplant coordinator training programme and the nurses were interested to join the programme. Few of the queries that were raised during the session: what are the age criteria for organ donation and how long organs can be preserved? Totally 20 nurses participated in the session and all of them pledged their organs by signing the donor card.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad