Dr. Krishna Kamble, Retd. Head of the Radiology department invited to MOHAN Foundation to set up and man a stall on organ donation during the Science Expo at Raman Science Centre, Nagpur. He is program organizer at Raman Science center.
On 12 January 2016, Ms. Kanchan Shewde & Mr. Bulu Behera organ transplant coordinator manned the stall and gave information about organ and tissue donation to the students and visitors to the stall. Around 1000 students as well as public visited the stall. 3 students signed consent form and took donor card.
The following questions were asked:-
1. Function of Brain & Process of Brain Death?
2. What is difference between coma and brain death?
2. How to remove bone marrow from body?
3. How much time is taken for liver to regenerate in case in living donation?
4. Which organ and tissues are transplanted in Nagpur?
5. How long is the waiting list in Nagpur for kidney transplant?
6. How many Brain death - organ donations have happened in Nagpur till now ?
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad