On the occasion of 4th death anniversary of the late Jayant Deshpande, MOHAN Foundation organized Deceased Organ Donation Awareness desk at Bajaj Nagar, Nagpur on 8 January 2017. Family members, friends and well wishers had gathered to pay homage.
At the desk MOHAN Foundation displayed information brochures, donor cards, standees and a banner. Mr. Bulu Behera & Ms. Kanchan Shewde Transplant coordinators managed the stall.
Information given to family and friends:-
Types of death and the tissues and organ donation in case of natural death and brain death; Living donations; Activities of MOHAN Foundation; Helpline number & Website as a place to get information.
40 persons visited the stall. After understanding about organ donation, 20 people took consent form & 3 people signed consent form and took donor card.
Questions asked by family and friends.
What is the procedure of Body donation?
What is the procedure of kidney Donation?
How you know if we call in helpline number for donate organ?