On the day 3 (28 January 2018) of the Nava Srujan Yuva Sankalap Samahara at Maa Umiya Dham, Transport Nagar, Nagpur, Dr. Vinaya Hajare invited to MOHAN Foundation Nagpur to put deceased organ donation awareness stall for the devotees. Nearly 20 thousand devotees came for the event at the dham.
MOHAN Foundation transplant coordinator Mr.Bulu Behera & Meditrina Hospital transplant coordinator Ms.Kanchan Shewde managed the stall with donor cards, broachures, banners and posters.
Information on importance and need of organ donation was given to the visitors. Mr. Bulu Behera also clarified the concept of brain death and the difference Natural death, brain death and coma and the importance of carrying a donor card.
He gave information about MOHAN Foundation activities and requested to all use website and helpline number. On day three, 120 devotees visited the stall and 20 of them signed consent form and took donor cards.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad