On April 15, 2023 a Baisakhi Mela was organised at Guru Nanak College by an events company TTAE Presents. Ms. Geetha, Event organizer kindly offered space to MOHAN Foundation to set up an information desk on organ donation and transplantation.
The team of Ms. Arshiya Fathima H (Helpline counselor) and Ms. Prathyusha, Intern MMM College of Health Sciences put up a help desk at the entrance of the Auditorium. The desk had a standee, information brochures, green ribbons and registration forms and donor cards. Over 60 people visited the stall to gain knowledge on Organ Donation and Transplantation and 2 of them picked up the donor card.
Arshiya Fathima explained to the public and students about basic concepts on organ donation, skin donation and eye donation and the usage of helpline number.
Questions asked by public and students:
1. Who can be an organ donor?
2. Can I donate to my friend if, he/she has organ failure?
3. Is this donation legal or not?
4. How to pledge my organs?
MOHAN Foundation thanks Ms. Geetha, Event Organizer of TTAE Presents for this wonderful opportunity.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad