On 27th September 2017, MOHAN foundation was invited by Dr. Anil Bankar, National Service Scheme (NSS) incharge of Moresh College Nagpur to conduct awareness session regarding deceased organ donation and transplantation. Also presen during the talk were Dr. Keshav Walke NSS Director, Dr. A. B. Patle G.S College NSS Incharge, Dr. P. T. Humne, NSS Incharge of Dharampeth Science College, Mr. Govind Rathod, Mr. Shaik Imran & Mrs. Maya D. Wauyane. Six NSS College units were presented during the awareness session.
Mr. Bulu Behera Transplant Coordinator of MOHAN Foundation spoke about the importance of deceased organ donation, religious and cultural barriers to organ donation & eye donation, concept of Brain death and myths surrounding organ donation. More than 150 students participated and everyone was given an information brochures. 10 students pledged for organ donation and took a donor card.
We thank to Dr. Anil Bankar for giving us this opportunity to promote organ donation and all the students for their active participation.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad