On 12th January 2022, organ donation awareness program was conducted at Padole Hospital, Padole square, Nagpur. Mr.Aman Kale H.R Manager invited Mr. Bulu Behera to give a talk on organ donation. The session was held at conference hall of Padole Hospital. Nursing staffs of the hospital participated in the event.
Mr. Bulu explained MOHAN Foundation and its activities. He gave information about NOTTO, ROTTO, SOTTO and ZTCC which was new for the participants.
Mr. Bulu discussed the below topics on organ donation
Questions asked by participants were as follows
Mr. Bulu Behera clarified all the questions which was asked by the participants. The session motivated all the participants to pledge their organs. Around 25 nursing staff participated in the session. Ms. Smita Shewd, in charge of nursing department delivered the vote of thanks and thanked Mr. Bulu for sensitizing the staff members on organ donation.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad