MOHAN Foundation – Chennai, in collaboration with Cadaver Transplant Programme, Tamil Nadu organized an Organ Donation Awareness Program for the police personnel. It was held for the police personnel of Flower Bazaar police station. It was held at the Secretariat ground on 18 January 2013.
A group of around 200 police personnel in all grades like constables, grade 1, grade 2, head constables, sub-inspectors, inspectors, assistant commissioners and deputy commissioner attended the program.
Mr. Johnson, Transplant coordinator of MOHAN Foundation, Chennai addressed the police personnel and explained to them the various concepts related to deceased organ donation. Since the police are involved in conducting inquests in medico legal cases, the following procedures were highlighted during the talk:
The interactive session helped the police personnel to clarify their doubts and better understand the concept of deceased organ donation and to develop right knowledge and attitude towards this noble cause.
The main topics discussed during the programme were: