Mr. T. S. Sivashankar, Helpline Executive and Mr. Atul Doria Prem, intern of MOHAN Foundation visited SRM Valliammai Engineering College to spread the awareness on organ donation. The session was held on 18th Jan 2018 at 3pm in a seminar hall in the college premises.
They were received by Mrs. Uma Balan – Associate Professor of CSE Dept & Mrs. Selva Lakshmi, Associate Professor of MBA Dept. This talk was given in the seminar hall of the college. 50 students from CSE department attended the awareness talk.
Green ribbons and information brochures were distributed. Mr. Siva Shankar gave an elaborate talk on the Concepts of Organ donation. It was followed by discussion on - will a donor be preferred on an organ waitlist; can the family direct or specify whom to the give an organ from their brain death patient.
MOHAN foundation is glad that 15 students and 1 Teacher pledged to donate their organs and picked a donor card.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad