On 16th September 2022, Ms. Rashmi Shetty was invited to conduct an awareness talk on organ donation at Bharatiya Vidyalaya, Kodagu Vidyalaya Opportunity Section. The school staff and parents participated in the session. Close to 25 people attended this talk.
Ms. Rashmi initiated the session by asking a few questions on organ donation and elucidated the need and importance of organ donation in India. She then discussed about the concept of organ donation, types of donor, who can donate, brain death and circulatory death was explained in detail with examples, certain myths surrounded by the topic was clarified to the audience.
The session was motivating and interactive. Certain questions asked by the audience were as follows:
We thank the Management of this school and authorities for inviting us and supporting the cause of organ donation.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad