On 29th July, 2022 Ms. Rashmi was invited by Mr. Rupesh - N.S.S Coordinator of M.D College to conduct an awareness talk on organ donation for N.S.S students.
This was the first programme of N.S.S events and the inauguration was done by lighting the lamp. Dr. C.S Panse – Principal of M.D College introduced Ms. Rashmi Shetty to the audience and spoke a few words about organ donation.
She then invited Ms. Rashmi to take over the session. Ms. Rashmi began her presentation by introducing MOHAN Foundation and its objectives. Her talk included basic concepts such as living donation and deceased donation, brain stem death and circulatory death, organs and tissues that can be donated, types of transplants and consent system followed in the world. She also emphasized the importance of donor card and discussing the wish with the family members. Video clipping on " Live Life Varun Size" was presented to the audience.
Lastly, she shared information on the ways the audience could get involved and support organ donation. She encouraged and appealed to each one of them to become ambassadors of organ donation.
The audience gave a huge round of applause to Ms. Rashmi Shetty and thanked her for giving them a meaningful and valuable talk on organ donation, which was new to many of them. 130 students and 3 staff members attended the session. Students also performed a skit on organ donation which gave a boost to the session.
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Chennai
Place: Delhi
Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai