On 23 November 2016 Ms. Monali Ridhorkar, social worker of Center Point Hospital, Nagpur invited MOHAN Foundation to organize a program on Organ Donation Awareness for the nursing staff.
Mr.Bulu Behera Transplant Coordinator of MOHAN Foundation, Nagpur Center was deputed to conduct the event. He gave talk through laptop means. He gave information about need for organs, the legal and ethical aspects of organ donation and the process of pledging to organs. He explained the difference between cardiac death and brain death, which organ can be donated after cardiac death and brain death. The importance of Donor card how it helps people to donate organs and create awareness, the value of wearing a helmet. He requested the audience to use MOHAN Foundation website and helpline number to gain more understanding on the subject.
Question asked by audience:
1) If someone on donor card then can he/she donate organs?
2) Where is MOHAN Foundation office?
The session highlighted how they can be part of this noble cause by pledging their organs and how it can help other in joining the cause. 12 Nurses attended the session and 4 of them picked a donor card.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad