On 4th August 2016, REAL Trust, Chennai conducted an awareness programme for the Self Help Groups (SHG) on Organ Donation. The programme was supported Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board. Mr. Lawrence Executive Director invited Govt. Stanley Hospital Chennai to give an awareness talk on Organ Donation. Mr. Prakash K. Transplant Coordinator, MOHAN Foundation, deputed at Govt. Stanley Hospital facilitated and spoke about the Concepts of Organ Donation and the session started with Health & Hygiene and followed by organ donation. It was more of interactive session.
The following topics were discussed in his talk:
Totally 50 women participated and information brochures were distributed to them and at the end of the session few posters on Health & Hygiene were released.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad