MOHAN Foundation was invited for an awareness program by ITM Business School in SIPCOT Industrial Park, Siruseri on 02nd November 2017 at 3 PM. Mr. Siva Shankar, Helpline executive represented MOHAN Foundation and conducted the session.
The program started with issuing of Green Ribbons in supports of Organ Donation. Mr. Siva Shankar started the talk with a question “In which movie they have seen the topic of Organ Donation?” Everyone had a little knowledge on the movies that showcased the topic. With a short intodcution to MOHAN Foundation he started the talk with the organs that can be donated, types of donors, Government authority that allocates the organs after death, Brain death & coma, Myths on Organ Donation and about the value of carrying a Donor Card.
The session went on for 20 minutes and the students enjoyed the session. There were some questions that were asked after the session. The questions were:
The session ended with a donor card registration. There were 35 students and 7 of them registered for Organ Donation. MOHAN Foundation thanks Mr. Raja, Academic Coordinator, ITM Business School for organising the program.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad