A big salute to Indian Army who gave us their precious time & organized an awareness talk in “Sapt Shakti Auditorium, Army Campus, Jaipur”. The talk on Deceased Organ Donation was held on 20th Nov, 2015, Friday on on the request of MFJCF team. A presentation beautifully orated by Dr. Anita Hada Sangwan of MFJCF left an heart touching impression on the gathering of approx 400 army officers and personnel. Gratitude to donor’s & recipient’s families who came in the program
Many officers asked about the registration procedure & donor cards to keep with them. It will really boost the organ donations and transplantation in Rajasthan because ‘JAWANS’ live their whole life for others, so they definitely want to do it after end of life.
The program ended with ‘Vote of Thanks’ by Lt. Gen. A. K. Sahni who felicitated MFJCF with flower bouquet and commando Momento.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad