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Organ Donation awareness talk conducted for members of Rokde Jewelers, Nagpur

Updated on Tuesday, August 23, 2022
  • On 17thAugust 2022, MOHAN Foundation in association with Transplants –Help the Poor Foundation was invited to conduct an awareness programme on organ donation at Rokde Jwellers, Bajaj Nagar Nagpur. This programme was organized on the occasion of Harayali Teej and all the participants wore green colored clothes to support organ donation. Close to 130 people attended this session.

    Ms. Prarthana was the speaker of the day, she introduced herself and started the presentation by asking a few questions on organ donation and elucidated the need and importance of organ donation and engaged the audience with a presentation

    The following were discussed thoroughly:

    • The concept of Organ donation and Transplantion,
    • The types of death i.e., cardiac death and brain death,
    • Brain death and the procedure of deceased organ donation and live organ donation.
    • The procedure of skin and bone donation 
    • Common myths and facts related to organ donation and how it impacts on organ donation.
    • The procedure of Skin Donation  


    Questions asked after the session were as follows:

    • Explain the procedure of Bone donation?
    • Explain the process of skin donation?


    The session inspired and motivated 80 participants to pledge their organs. The participants and organizers appreciated Ms. Prarthana for her noble work. We thank Mrs. Vaishnavi Prajapati for inviting us and supporting the cause of Organ Donation.

    Source-Ms. Prarthana Dwivedi
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