PG Department of Social Work, Nazareth College of Arts and Science conducted an awareness talk on Organ Donation in which our ODA team members Dr. Hemal and Mr. Jayaprakash Daniel participated and gave talk and clarified people’s doubt on organ donation. About 100 students of the college attended the session.
This program began with a formal introduction followed by Dr. Hemal’s demonstrative way of explaining concepts of why, what, when, how, types, myths on organ donation.
After the awareness talk, information about Transplant Coordinator Training and Angels of Change volunteer training program was given and nearly thirty students came forward voluntarily and took their donor cards and information brochures.
Participants’ views and doubts on organ donation were clarified which resulted in good turnout support.
MOHAN Foundation extends sincere thanks to Mr. Vasantha Jayaseelan, Head – PG Department of Social Work for making possible arrangement to host this program and we also thank other faculty staff members and the management for their support.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad