On 9th February 2017, Professor Roy NSS In charge of Saint Francis De Sales (SFS) College, Seminary hill, Nagpur, invited MOHAN Foundation to talk on Organ donation and transplantation.
Ms. Kanchan Shewde Organ transplant coordinator of MOHAN Foundation, Nagpur Center represented MOHAN Foundation. She explained the need for donation, types of donors and what can be donated. She spoke of brain death and the possibility of converting this tragedy into hope for some organ failure patients.
She explained the importance of Donor card how it helps people to donate organ, value to wearing a helmet, the legal and ethical aspects of organ donation and the process of pledging organs. She requested to members use MOHAN Foundation website and helpline number.
The session highlighted how they can be part of this noble cause by pledging the organ and how they can help others in joining the cause. 55 students attended the session. All wanted to pledge their organs after discussing with their family.
Question asked by participants:
1) What is live donation?
2) Can a living person donate liver?
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad