On April 27, 2013 an organ donation camp was set up at Kataria Market, Gurgaon. The initiative was taken by a gentleman, Mr Amrish Ghambir, an engineer by profession who took upon himself to raise awareness on this very important but underplayed out cause.
He was motivated to propagate this cause after reading an article in the newspaper about a 21 year old boy whose next of kin consented to donate his organs and tissues and thus benefiting 34 lives. He contacted the MOHAN Foundation team to help him raise awareness about organ donation.
The camp was set up in the market area so as to reach the maximum number of people and to enhance the visibility of the endeavour People came in groups of two's and three's. Their queries on brain death/ cardiac death, donor card, THO Act and eye donation were addressed by Ms Pallavi Kumar and Dr
Muneet Sahi.
Ms Seema Pahuja, Municipal Councillor, Ward 11, Gurgaon also visited the camp and showed her solidarity for the cause by signing the donor card.
About 50 people filled up the organ registration form and the same number signed the organ donor card.