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Organ Donation Awareness through YouTube Channel - a MOHAN Foundation, Chandigarh Initiative

Updated on Saturday, June 19, 2021
  • Ms. Neha Sharma of MOHAN Foundation’s Chandigarh centre has adopted a new way to spread awareness about organ donation among the public. She recorded a video on the Zoom platform, covering a range of topics related to organ donation and transplantation on 5th June 2021. The following were elaborated:

    • Organ donation and transplantation – what, why, when and how
    • Brain death – definition, declaration
    • Difference between natural and brain death
    • Organs and tissues that can be donated
    • Importance of donor card and consent from the family
    • Myths on organ donation
    • MOHAN Foundation’s activities

    The video ended with Ms. Sharma appealing to the audience to consider pledging their organs and encouraging them to have a conversation with their families and friends. She then uploaded the video on her YouTube channel and shared the link with her family, friends and other contacts with a request to further share it with their contacts. It would be worthwhile mentioning that most of Ms. Sharma’s contacts are from Himachal, where awareness is very low.

    The video has so far received 190 views and 30 likes; Ms. Sharma has also answered around 60 to 70 calls to know the procedure for pledging organs. Inspired by her commitment, Ms. Sharma’s entire family pledged their organs and her efforts were appreciated by all her friends.

    Source-Ms. Neha Sharma
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