MOHAN Foundation was invited by the Chennai Roaring Riders Jawa Club to spread the message of organ donation in the International Jawa Day 2019 event that took place on the 14th July at Hotel Ashoka in Egmore, Chennai.
The annual event marks the get together of enthusiastic Jawa and Yezdi bike riders of the city. The event saw the owners of the Jawa/Yezdi brand of bikes and mechanics specializing in servicing the brand, being felicitated and the group discussing road safety measures; #Roadsafetyforall was the tagline used.
Dr. Hemal Kanvinde, Quality Assurance Officer at MOHAN Foundation, the chief guest at the event, spoke briefly about organ donation and its need. Mr. Siva Shankar T. S. and Mr. K. Manikandan, also from the Foundation, manned an information desk that was setup to provide awareness about organ donation.
Dr. Hemal thanked the Chennai Roaring Riders for inviting MOHAN Foundation to be a part of the event. The Chennai Roaring Riders look forward to collaborating more with the Foundation in the future and support the cause.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad