On 18th February 2018, MOHAN Foundation was invited for an awareness programme on Organ Donation at Hope Trust, Mannady, Chennai at 10 A.M. Ms. Suganya Ramar represented MOHAN Foundation. Members of Hope Trust organized this session.
Approximately 55 peoples attended the awareness program held in the Hope Trust Office terrace. All the members, volunteers who attended this session were given green ribbon and brochures. Ms. Suganya explained about the Organ Donation, when & how to donate organs and importance of Organ Donation to the people. This was followed by a talk on the concept of Organ Donation & Brain Death. The concept of Brain death was explained with the help of presentations & films.
At the end of the session people asked their doubts about kidney donation and their questions were answered by Ms. Suganya. 25 people pledged their organs and picked a donor card. The session ended with the group photo. We thank Mr. Sathish, President of Hope Trust for the invitation.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad