On 11th August 2021, around 100 students pursuing MBA in Hospital & Healthcare Management and their faculty, from the Symbiosis Institute of Health Sciences, Pune attended a talk on organ donation on Google Meet. The awareness session organized by student of SIHS and Ambassador Dr Sahithi Sri B, started with the introduction of MOHAN Foundation and Dr. Hemal Kanvinde, Quality Assurance Officer. Dr Sahithi briefly spoke about the organization, shared statistics for organ donation and India’s position on the global map.
Dr. Hemal, then spoke about importance of organ donation and explained the anatomical structure of human brain, activities controlled by brain stem and brain death. The possible causes of brain death were discussed and the methods for identification and declaring brain death were emphasized upon.
The last segment of the talk covered the legalities, myths and THOA 1994. Organ donors and their families were acknowledged. The session ended with a video explaining brain death, followed by questions from participants.