Mrs. Shalini, Director and Mr. Aravind, Secretary of the Nagarbhavi Division of Rotary Club Abilities Bangalore invited MOHAN Foundation to conduct an interactive session on organ donation on 16th August 2020. Around 64 club members participated in this awareness session that took place online.
Mr. Shridhar Hanchinal (Hon. Director), Mrs. Ranjini Shankar M S (Project Manager), Mrs. Sheetal Mundada (Transplant Coordinator), Mrs. Hemavathi (Transplant Coordinator) and Mr. Marulappa LN (Transplant Coordinator) from MOHAN Foundation were part of the session
The following topics were discussed in detail:
During the interaction, the audience raised questions related to the following:
MOHAN Foundation is thankful to the Rotary Club for the opportunity.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad