Dr. A B Patil, NSS In-charge of Institute of Science College, Maharajbagh Square, Nagpur invited Mr. Bulu Behera Transplant Coordinator of MOHAN Foundation, Nagpur to deliver a talk on organ and tissue donation on 13th February 2019 for NSS students at Sanjivan Old Age Home, Amgaon, Deoli, Nagpur.
Mr. Bulu Behera, using a PowerPoint presentation gave information about types of donors, brain death, and organs and tissues that could be donated while living and after death. He also gave information about voluntary body donation, MOHAN Foundation’s website as well as the helpline number.
Few question asked by participants:
35 staff and students were present and 4 of them signed consent forms and received donor cards. The NSS In-charge, Mr. Vinayak M Jawade thanked MOHAN Foundation and NSS students to conclude the session.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad