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Organ Donation Awareness for NCC Cadets at Fathima Central Secondary School, Saidapet

Updated on Friday, March 24, 2023
  • MOHAN Foundation was given an opportunity to create awareness on Organ Donation at a school NCC camp on March 23, 2023.  150 students from different school belonging to Cadets of Naval team of NCC attended the sessions. The camp was held at Fathima Central Secondary School, Saidapet

    Mr. Ganesh (Marketing Coordinator) and Ms. Arshiya Fathima. H (Helpline counsellor) were the resource persons for the sessions. They were assisted by intern Ms. Prathyusha of MMM College of Allied Health Sciences. Ms. Prathyusha distributed green ribbons and information brochures to all students. Two sessions were conducted separately.

    The session started with Captain S Chandran, CO (1(TN) Naval Unit, NCC) introducing the delegates and MOHAN Foundation. Ms. Arshiya Fathima began the session with Q&A activity. There were interesting answers from students. This was followed with a talk on the concepts of Organ Donation and Transplantation which included who, what, when and how donation can happen. She also explained brain death. In between the session Ms. Arshiya conducted a quiz. It was an interactive session.  

    Mr. Ganesh began the session by asking students' opinions on Organ Donation. This was followed with a talk on the concepts of Organ Donation & Transplantation (who, what, when and how), Brain Death, support for organ failure patients, Myths & Scams on Organ Donation, and the effective usage of Organ Donation Helpline 1800 103 7100. At last conducted the Tamil movie quiz and played few movie clips that can be related to Organ donation

    Some queries asked by the students:

    1.     During pregnancy if a woman is in critical health and can the organs be donated.

    2.     Why is it illegal to sell organs? Govt can set up registration or even set up a tax.

    3.     How is the kept organ alive while transporting?

    4.     If a person dies in hospital can organ to retrieved immediately and transplant

    5.     Why cannot brain be transplanted?

    MOHAN Foundation wholeheartedly thanks Colonel Grupreet Singh, Colonel. Adithan Suresh and Captain S Chandran and NCC Team for organizing this awareness session.

    Source-Ms. Arshiya Fathima
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