Organ Donation Awareness campaign at Chennai Zonal Office of Central Bank of India

Updated on Tuesday, December 12, 2017
  • On December 11th 2017, MOHAN Foundation was invited for an awareness program on Organ Donation organised by Central Bank of India, Zonal office, Egmore. Mr. Siva Shankar, Mr. Raja and Ms. Persis Flory represented MOHAN Foundation and Mr. Siva Shankar, Helpline executive conducted the session. This was part of a National Campaign of the  Central Bank of India.

    The program started with issuing Green Ribbons in support of Organ Donation. Mr. Smruti Ranjan Dash, Field General Manager, Chennai Zone, Complemented MOHAN Foundation Team members with bouquet. Mr. S. Ravichandran, Senior Manager gave welcome address by inviting Mr. Smruti Ranjan Dash, Field General Manager, Mr. Mayank Dinesh Shah, Senior Regional Manager and Mr. P. I. Surendran, Deputy Regional Manager.  Mr. Siva Shankar started the session by playing a video regarding Organ Donation. Then the presentation was started with small introduction of MOHAN Foundation and by asking question “What is Organ Donation?” Many staffs replied about Organ Donation with their knowledge. Then the session continued with types of donors, organs that can be donated, organs and its functions, myths of Organ Donation and the value of carrying DONOR card.

    The session went for 30 minutes. Questions asked by the staff members after the session:

    1. What is the difference between natural death and brain death?
    2. Why organs cannot be given after natural death?
    3. Will the donated organs be used properly or it will be sold?
    4. After my death while my organs are donated, if one of my relation needs organ means will they get 1st priority?

    The session ended with vote of thanks by Mr. P. I. Surendran, Deputy Regional Manager. In his speech he related a personal incident within his family, where the father and mother of a young girl met an accident and later doctors declared them brain dead. That young girl bravely took a decision of donating her parent’s organ as she knew the value of Organ Donation. This experience made him  to take a decision that if that little young girl knows about the Organ Donation, why don’t others know it?

    There were 65 participants including various Branch Managers and staff from South Zone. In that 14 of them registered for Organ Donation and received DONOR card. At last Mr. Raja handed over the DONOR Card to Mr. Smruti Ranjan Dash, Field General Manager and Mr. P. Madasamy, Senior Manager as token of appreciation.

    Source-N. Raja
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