Organ Donation Awareness at AGM - Street Cause

Updated on Thursday, June 27, 2024
  • Street Cause, a student-governed NGO with the vision of uplifting and serving humankind, organized its Annual General Meeting on June 23, 2024, at Tamil Virtual Academy, Kotturpuram, Chennai. This meeting was orchestrated to induct the successive leaders of the chief executive board and to welcome team members of the club into newly assigned positions of responsibility for the upcoming tenure. An award ceremony was held to recognise the achievers of the current team during their term.

    Ms. Asfa Sultana Sher, Organ Donation ambassador and member of Street Cause, utilized the opportunity to enrich this occasion by creating awareness about Organ Donation and Transplantation. Mr. Ganesh C, Marketing Coordinator, introduced the MOHAN Foundation to the audience, along with its objectives and activities. Subsequently, Ms. Asfa proceeded to guide the audience through fundamental aspects of organ donation, brain death, procedures for receiving transplants, addressing myths and facts, and steps to pledge as a donor.

    She conducted a small interactive activity where the attendees were provided with colourful pieces of origami paper and encouraged to fold them into paper planes. The purpose of this task was to allow the audience to reflect on simple blessings such as the ability to fold a piece of paper, and to motivate them to express their well-wishes to both organ donors and recipients to soar far and high through this chance at life. Additionally, she introduced the story of Shreya Siddanagowder, a bilateral hand transplant recipient, showcasing how a selfless “Yes” can build hope and change the lives of 8 other people.

    Furthermore, interesting networking and volunteering opportunities at MOHAN Foundation were proposed to the gathering. Over 85 students and alumni from various colleges and states participated in the awareness campaign. Pamphlets on organ donation were distributed to everyone, and donor cards were also presented to the students.

    Source-Asfa Sultana Sher
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