Mrs. Ranjini Shankar M S (Project Manager, MOHAN Foundation) coordinated with Mr. Shyam, Inspector of JP Nagar police station in Bengaluru, to conduct an awareness session for the officers of the station. Around 67 officers attended the session which was held on 23rd November 2021.
Mrs. Ranjini began the session by introducing MOHAN Foundation, its mission and vision and proceeded to explain the following:
A recent case of donation from Dharwad where organ donation was facilitated by MOHAN Foundation team, using a green corridor was explained to the audience to highlight the role of the police. A motivational video was then played at the end of which, all the police officers stood up and saluted, showing their respect for the donors, their families, and the lifesaving cause.
All 67 officers who attended the session proudly signed up as organ donors. MOHAN Foundation is thankful to the station inspector and officers for the opportunity.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad