Organ Donation Awareness at Tilak Nagar Police Station, Bengaluru

Updated on Monday, October 11, 2021
  • Mrs. Ranjini Shankar MS coordinated with Mr. Girish, Inspector of Tilak Nagar police station in Bengaluru, to conduct an awareness session for the officers of the station. Around 63 officers attended the session which was held on 2nd October 2021.

    Mrs. Ranjini began the session by introducing MOHAN Foundation, its mission and vision and proceeded to explain the following:

    • the concept of organ and tissue donation
    • the types of death i.e., circulatory death and brain death
    • brain death declaration, apnoea test and other clinical tests
    • procedure of deceased and live organ donation
    • procedures of eye, skin and bone donation
    • barriers to organ donation
    • myths and facts related to organ donation
    • green corridor
    • the role of Jeevasarthakathe
    • transplant Law
    • importance of a donor card 

    Mrs. Ranjini shared the inspiring story of Ms. Shreya Siddanagowder, a bilateral hand transplant recipient. The following question was raised by the audience:

    • What is the process to register as an organ donor with Jeevasarthakathe

    61 officers signed up as organ donors at the end of the session. MOHAN Foundation is thankful to the station inspector and officers for the opportunity.

    Source-Ms. Ranjini Shankar
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