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Organ Donation Awareness at Super Specialty Hospital in Nagpur

Updated on Sunday, September 20, 2020
  • On 4th September 2020, MOHAN Foundation set up a stall decked with standees and a banner to display information brochures and donor cards at the Super Specialty Hospital in Tukudoji Square, Nagpur. The stall was put up to give information about organ donation and transplantation to the outpatient and relatives visiting the hospital. Dr. Milind Phulpatil, Special Duty In-charge of Hospital initiated this effort.

    Mr. Bulu Behera, Transplant Coordinator managed the stall. Information related to the following topics was given to patients and relatives:

    • Types of death
    • Organs that could be donated after brain death, natural death and while living
    • How and where organ failure patients register in waitlist
    • Who can donate organs and value of donor card
    • MOHAN Foundation’s activities
    • Using Helpline number and the MOHAN Foundation website
    • Process of kidney transplant
    • Process of eye donation

    Around 60 people visited stall and after understanding about organ donation, 20 visitors took consent forms and 12 of them signed consent form and took the donor cards. The following were a few questions asked by the visitors:

    • What are the tissues that could be donated after natural death?
    • What is the age limit for organ donation?
    • What is the difference between natural death and brain death?

    MOHAN Foundation is thankful to Dr. Phulpatil and the Super Specialty Hospital for the continued support.

    Source-Bulu Behera
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